Monday, November 8, 2010

The following comes from Tim Duduit of I found it interesting and well-said, therefore, I am sharing it here for your perusal.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. May God richly bless you!

Tim Kelley

by Tim Duduit

"The purpose of preaching is not to occupy time during the worship service. It is not to offer a little moral lesson or to suggest some interesting ideas for further thought. The purpose of preaching, at the crux of it, is to transform lives. The purpose of preaching is to make a difference -- in the life of the preacher, as well as the lives of the listeners.

"A preacher without a purpose is like an architect who sits down at the drafting table to design a structure, but doesn't know whether it will be a single-family home or a commercial warehouse. A preacher without a purpose is like an archer with no target. A preacher without a purpose is like a runner with no finish line. A preacher without a purpose is a waste of the congregation's time and the preacher's calling.

"As we explore the place of purpose in preaching, it is important that one truth is paramount: It is God's purpose that drives us, not our own. Proverbs 19:21 points out, 'Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Preaching that focuses on human goals and purposes are destined for failure, though they may even appear successful for a season. The most important thing a preacher can do is identify God's purpose in His Word, and effectively communicate that truth under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. That is preaching with purpose."