Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Several years ago, as I lay down trying to go to sleep, I heard a distinctive rumble in the distance. I listened a little while longer, and then it came: a flash of light, and a few seconds later thunder.

Maybe I’m not like most, but I must admit that I am mesmerized by the awesome power that is exhibited in an electrical storm. I climbed out of bed, put on my robe and went out on the porch to watch with wonder, nature’s most beautiful light show. Not being able to see sufficiently, I went into our back yard and climbed up into my son’s clubhouse to get a better view.

It wasn’t long before the sky lit up and streaks of lightening raced across the sky in numerous directions. One bolt shot vertically, I could hear the unmistakable sound of hundreds of thousands of volts concentrated on one spot on the earth reverberate from a few miles away. In a matter of seconds, the clap of thunder signifying a direct hit exploded in my ears and rattled my brain.

Then the wind began to blow. The trees began to dance violently, as they swirled to the music of the wind. The loose piece of tin on our carport began to bounce up and down and bang loudly against the one next to it. Finally the rain began to fall, slowly at first and then more rapidly as the storm began to pick up velocity. It was time to head back into the house and go to bed.

From childhood, there seems to be a natural fear of storms. When the lightening flashes and the thunder explodes around us, we become gripped with fear and we search for shelter and hope for the best. We hope that the storm will not reach us. We hope that the storm will not hurt us.  We hope that the storm will not destroy our belongings.  And ultimately, we hope the storm will go away.

This fear is a natural fear that is born out of respect for the ferociousness in the power of a storm.

When a child of God is surrounded by a storm of life, we become fearful that the storm will destroy us. Too often, those who are caught in the storm, forget God’s power in the storms of life.

There are two boat stories that deal with storms in the Gospels. In one, Jesus was asleep on a pillow, in the boat, when the storm came. In the other, Jesus had been up on a mountain praying, and then he came along later, walking on the water. If you don’t remember anything else I write, remember this: Whenever you are in a storm of life, Jesus is either:

1.     On the boat with you, just waiting on you to call out to Him, or…
2.     He is going to come walking along, on top of the tempest.

Either way, He is going to calm the storm for you – He’s going to provide peace that passes understanding!

One of Satan’s greatest ploys is to shut Jesus out of a man's world and lock Him up in the church. God is as powerful in the world as He is in His Church! He is as powerful in your home as He is in Heaven. He’s as powerful in your storm as He is in a power-packed church service! If Satan can retire God in our minds, he then can run the world and ruin our lives!

In Matthew 14:22, Jesus sent His disciples off “to go before Him”, and then He went up on the mountain alone to pray.  He fully intended to come along later, and He let them know that.  It is interesting to note, however, that He left Himself with no provision to get to the other side.  He had no boat; so, how did He plan to get there?  How did His disciples think He was going to get there?  I noticed that none of them offered to stay and float Him over later.

Ah, but when you then as Creator, you don’t worry about insignificant stuff like that!

We are talking about One whose vest was buttoned with the stars.  He wears the earth like a tiny diamond in Creation’s crown.  He brought all of His authority and power to earth. 

Are you getting a picture of the power of our Savior?  Can you see why one shouldn’t live in fear during a storm? 
This same One who created the winds and the rain...
     This same One who created the storms’ wonder and power...
          This same One walks with me, and He talks with me...
               And He tells me that I am His own!

Listen: Jesus has the power and ability to walk on top of your raging problems!  He walks on the Sea of Life and He calms the storms of life! He can be present without Jacobs being aware, but hell and storms take notice! 

A perfect match becomes a perfect mess, and your marriage suddenly needs a better homemaker than any mere man or woman can possibly be.  There is One who walks on top of the problem! Sadly, there are literally thousands who drown daily in the flood of alcoholism and drug addiction, and no one notices the national disaster.  Homes are broken apart by issues that come in with the fury of a tornado, twisting the very life out of a marriage.
          Financial problems...
               Infidelity problems...
                    In-law problems...
                         Child problems...
                              Priority problems...

Minds are going to pieces like tin barns hit by hurricane-force winds.  Lives are crushed beneath the pressure of hopes and ambitions that have been crushed by the flattening force of problems of prodigious proportions.  A moral storm rages within and without.

Too many people are in the dark, and they can’t see the landmarks anymore.  And suddenly, we realize that we cannot deal with the storm without the Master of the storm! 

If at creation He pinched up the mountains and pinned up the stars to suit Himself, He can walk across any problem we have and bring us a calm and a peace that passes all understanding!  If you are a blood-bought, born-again child of God, you are made of the right stuff, and there ain’t no storm gonna be able to take you down!  God ahead and praise Him in the storm.