Sunday, October 13, 2013



In his later years, Beethoven would spend hours playing a broken harpsichord.  The instrument was worthless.
o  Keys were missing.
o  Strings were stretched.
o  It was out of tune and harsh on the ears.

Nonetheless, the great pianist would play till tears came down his cheeks. To look at him, you would think that he was hearing something that was not there. He, in fact, was, for he was deaf! Beethoven was hearing the sound the instrument SHOULD make, not the one that it did make.

Ever feel like Beethoven’s broken harpsichord?
Out of tune?
Your service ill timed and insignificant?

Ever wonder what God does when instruments get broken? What happens to the song when the strings are out of tune? How does the Master respond when the keys don’t work?
Ø Does He turn around and leave?
Ø Does He demand a replacement?
Ø Does He junk the old?  Or…
Ø Does He patiently tune until He hears the songs that He longs to hear?

No…none of that...

He just calls for a second touch!