Several decades ago a man was to walk a wire across
Niagara Falls with another man on his
shoulders. After weeks of preliminary practice, as the final moment for the
even drew near, the ropewalker cautioned his young colleague with these words: “We
are about to risk our lives. I am to walk the wire, and the whole
responsibility is mine. You have nothing to do but match my movements.
I sway to the left, let yourself sway to the left with me. If I
sway to the right, do the same thing. Under NO circumstances should you
try to save yourself, for there must be only ONE will in this adventure, and
that will is MINE. You must submerge your will to ensure
harmony, for without perfect unison, we are both lost. There
is only one thing for you to do: SWAY WITH ME.”
As they drew near the opposite side, the unexpected
happened. The long vibration of the wire broke in the center, causing two waves
of movement, and each of these broke again into two more, and so on, in
accordance with the Law of Vibration, that the man could scarcely keep his feet
where he placed them. It was a perilous moment, but the feat was accomplished
and the spectacular escapade was a success, holding a place on the front page
of the newspapers.
After this, the young man who had played a secondary
part settled down to private life, married, and became an active leader in
Christian endeavor, and an elder in his church. And he used to say: “I
learned more religion on the wire that day than in all my life. I
learned that the ONLY sane and safe way to live is to SWAY WITH GOD.”
Perhaps I am connecting with a reader today that needs
to learn how to sway with God. You
need to trust God to keep the balance when the tightrope of life’s troubles
begins to unravel beneath your feet! You need to learn that there is only ONE
will in this Christian relationship – and that is God’s Will – and your will
must submerge to ensure your safety! Don’t try to save yourself, and don’t try
to work out your problems on your own – just “sway with God,” and you will
surely make it through! Don’t try to match God’s movements – just sway with
God, and allow yourself to flow with and in His Spirit!
Romans 8:14-15 – For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are
the sons of God. [15] For ye have not
received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit
of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.